Galata Yet Again: From Mundane to Spiritual
Posted on by Ulgen Ozgul
The Galata district of Istanbul has plenty to offer to an inquisitive mind that has a special interest in history. You can literally wonder in the maze of its streets and feel like you are travelling in time. The history and the Genoese background of Galata were covered in my previous post that concentrated more […]
TaggedCount Claude Alexandre de Bonneval, Crimean Memorial Church, Doğan Block of Apartments, Galata, Galata Mevlevi Lodge Museum, Giovanni Battista Barborini, Humbaracı Ahmet Pasha, İbrahim Müteferrika, Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî, Mevlevis in Galata, Old Genoese Quarter of Istanbul, Rumi, Şeyh Galip Dede, Tünel, Tünel Passage, Whirling Dervishes