Author: Ulgen Ozgul

The exhibition, “The Child Within Me”, is one of the parallel activities of the 16th Istanbul Biennial and it consists of part of Mr. Ömer Koç’s private collection. The venue of the exhibition is no less striking than the exhibition itself. It is the beautiful pavilion that once belonged to the last Caliph, Abdülmecit Efendi. Normally closed to the public, it can now be visited until November 10th 2019.

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Even though it was built long before, the Russian church Aya Panteleymon is reminiscent of the White Russians who came to Istanbul as refugees after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. Most of them left for Paris or the US in a few years time but, some stayed behind and have become Turkish citizens. Their descendents are among us, forever adding a different flavour to the vibrant life of Istanbul as their ancestors have done…

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